Description: Celebrating the 107th Anniversary of ‘Aisyiyah on Tuesday 11 June 2024, ‘Aisyiyah DKI Jakarta Collaborates with Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah.
The Role of Interfaith Community Participation in Maintaining Harmony and Preserving the Environment, is the theme promoted by the Regional Board of ‘Aisyiyah (PWA) DKI Jakarta in celebrations celebrating the 107th Anniversary of ‘Aisyiyah on Tuesday 11 June 2024. The event, which was packaged in the form of a seminar, was attended by hundreds of participants. from ‘Aisyiyah school educators throughout DKI Jakarta, environmental and disaster NGOs, as well as ‘Aisyiyah administrators.
“This event is supported by Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah by providing tumblers as an effort to minimize the use of plastic beverage packaging,” said Triningsih as Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah Program and Finance Coordinator. “This is one of the ‘Aisyiyah movements that must be supported, how green culture can be implemented in every activity at ‘Aisyiyah,” she continued. According to Triningsih, by asking participants to bring a tumbler and prepare a dispenser, participants can refill water without using single-use plastic beverage packaging.
The seminar was held in the AR Auditorium. Fachrudin, FEB UHAMKA, East Jakarta, moderated by Asliani – Deputy Chair of LLHPB PWA DKI Jakarta. Those present as speakers were Candrawati – Deputy Chair of PWA DKI Jakarta, Guswanto – Deputy for Meteorology at BMKG, and Hening Purwati – Director of the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah Program.
“Let’s make this activity a momentum to strengthen interfaith cooperation in protecting our environment. Together, we can create a greener and safer Jakarta,” said the Director of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah, Hening Purwati. She hopes that this activity can raise public awareness to care more about the environment and disaster preparedness.
Description: Hening Purwati, Program Director of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah become one of the speaker at the Seminar.
“The steps that must be taken are that first we must do Amar Ma’ruf Nahi Munkar. This movement must be carried out together as a package without separating from togetherness (Al ukhuwah jami’iyah),” said Hening. Secondly, she continued, the people of ‘Aisyiyah are very educated, so they need to use knowledge (Al ukhuwah Al ilmiah). As for the third, added Hening, Progressive Capital (Al ukhuwah tajdidiyah). “With these steps, we can strengthen it in the form of action, because our earth is one, and one for all,” she said
Furthermore, according to Hening, active participation from various communities and individuals is highly expected to continue this initiative. “By uniting, we can face environmental challenges and disasters more effectively and sustainably,” she concluded.