Caption: Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan held a Lesson Learn, Upgrading, and Gathering on 14-15 June 2024 in Pontianak (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan strengthens the interfaith youth community ‘Friends of Eco Bhinneka (Sahabat Eco Bhinneka) or SEKA by preparing structures and work programs, as well as inviting interfaith figures to provide direction on the importance of interfaith communities working together in environmental conservation. This effort was carried out for 2 days on 14-15 June 2024 in Pontianak, through an event entitled Lesson Learn, Upgrading and Gathering: The Power of Teamwork for Pontianak Harmony and Universe Friendly.
Octavia Shinta Aryani, Regional Manager of the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan Program, explained that the aim of this activity was to develop and form the Organizational Structure of SEKA. “On this occasion, we drafted the Articles of Association, Bylaws, Outlines of Organizational Guidelines (GBHO), and Outlines of Work Directions (GBHK) which will be needed to prepare the SEKA community to register at the KESBANGPOL (The National and Political Agency),” she explained.
Apart from that, continued Shinta, on the second day of this activity, sharing and gathering were also held which aimed to provide understanding and motivation to SEKA members to develop the organization. In the Sharing activity, SEKA members shared their achievements, interesting stories and experiences during almost 3 years of activities with Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah. Meanwhile, the Gathering activity was packaged in the form of a panel discussion which presented religious figures from various interfaith organizations at the West Kalimantan Province level, such as: the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI), the Association of Churches in Indonesia West Kalimantan Region (PGIW), Representatives of Indonesian Buddhists (WALUBI), and the High Council of Indonesian Confucian Religions (MATAKIN). Also present were the Chair of the National and Politics Agency (KESBANGPOL) of West Kalimantan Province, and the National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia (NPCI) West Kalimantan organization.

Caption: The gathering is packaged in the form of a panel discussion featuring religious figures from various interfaith organizations at the West Kalimantan Province level, on June 15, 2024 (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
“Through this activity, it is hoped that in the future SEKA will be able to establish and expand strong networks and collaboration with various elements of society in creating collaborative, inclusive spaces, as well as encouraging freedom of religion and belief through environmental action,” said Shinta.
Ida Shri Rsi Dukuh Putra Bandem Kepakisan, Chair of the West Kalimantan Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI), said that the Indonesian State has a foundation that unites the country, there are the Constitution and Pancasila, in one unified Republic of Indonesia with an atmosphere of diversity. “I was built with the Pancasila ideology forever and indefinitely. Differences exist from birth. Various names for Almighty God but with the same goal. In our national concept, we have one ideology with the foundation of Bhinneka,” said Ida.
Meanwhile, Rolink Kurniadi Darmara as Chair of WALUBI West Kalimantan stated that the environment is a shared responsibility, so that environmental affairs become a meeting point between religions in humanitarian work. “I want to invite SEKA members to seriously improve the skills they gain from interaction. By interacting, you will have the ability to work together as a team,” he said. Rolink believes that a person’s success is more seen in his personality. He hopes that in the process of undergoing training within the organization, SEKA will be able to develop tolerance and maintain harmony.

Caption: Sahabat Eco Bhinneka (SEKA) Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan take a group photo after preparing the work program on June 14 2024. (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
Rev. Paulus Ajong as Chair of the West Kalimantan Regional Churches in Indonesia (PGIW) said that to date, of all the existing planets, the only inhabited one is Earth. “What’s unique is that there are 8 billion people on earth trying to survive. The only thing that makes humans survive is a good environment. God creates very well because it suits human needs,” said Rev. Paul. “SEKA has an important role in prioritizing common interests, because the climate crisis is a common problem,” he continued.
Second, added Rev. Paul, the existing of pluralism will be good if implemented with tolerance. He hopes that, with the demographic bonus, interfaith youth who are members of SEKA will be able to become a node, finding two challenges in one unit: tolerance and environment.
Sutadi, as Chair of the West Kalimantan Indonesian Confucian High Council (Matakin), continued to convey the message that in Confucian teachings, what humans do will all return to the humans themselves. “So let’s develop ourselves, continue to learn and practice, so that efforts to respect each other at SEKA can continue, through a variety of creative and fun activities,” he said.
Syamsul Hidayat as a representative of the Indonesian Ulema Council imagines that the universe will not improve and will get older. “Improving the environment seems impossible. SEKA’s presence is a form of community to protect the environment, considering that climate change is right before our eyes,” he said. According to Syamsul, Eco Bhinneka needs to increase capacity to have better teamwork. “I imagine we could create a program like religious tourism, as a form of introduction to nature which is then linked to religious symbols.” Syamsul added.
Mustaat Saman representing NPCI West Kalimantan said that NPCI operates in the field of disability sports. “We and our friends have a spirit that is not half-hearted. People with disabilities have mental vulnerabilities so religion becomes important. With the presence of SEKA, this will certainly be a bridge for our friends with disabilities to have the space to be able to contribute to overcoming the climate crisis problem which is a problem for us all.” Mustaat emphasized.
Furthermore, Manto as Head of West Kalimantan KESBANGPOL reminded that the earth has been damaged due to climatic conditions which are very difficult to predict. “We can start improving the environment by doing the 3Rs, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, from our own homes. We can also contribute to producing oxygen by planting trees and other plants,” he explained.

Caption: Group photo of religious figures from various interfaith organizations at the West Kalimantan Province level, after the Panel Discussion on June 15 2024 (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
Author: Feby Kartikasari
Editor: Dzikrina Farah Adiba