Description: Eco Bhinneka and ‘Aisyiyah West Java Consult Islamic Green School Book Work to the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah, on August 30, 2024 (Doc. @ecobhinneka)
The collaborative work between the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah program and the Islamic Green School Book Writing Team of the ‘Aisyiyah Regional Board (PWA) of West Java has now entered the consultation stage with the Central Board (PP) of ‘Aisyiyah. This consultation aims to increase support and obtain direction from the Central Board (PP) of ‘Aisyiyah so that this practical guidebook for environmentally friendly schools can be more easily accessed by ‘Aisyiyah Islamic Boarding Schools throughout Indonesia, as well as ‘Aisyiyah schools throughout Indonesia.
The consultation meeting on Friday, August 30, 2024 was held in the 1st Floor Hall of the ‘Aisyiyah Central Board Office in Gandaria 1 Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, and was attended by 14 people from the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah program management team, the Book Writing Team from Aisyiyah Regional Board (PWA) of West Java, the Chairwomen and Secretary of the Environmental and Disaster Management Institution (LLHPB), and – Chairwomen and Secretary of the Primary Educational Council (Majelis PAUD Dasmen) of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah.
Description: Eco Bhinneka and ‘Aisyiyah West Java Consult Islamic Green School Book Work to the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah, on August 30, 2024 (Doc. @ecobhinneka)
The implementation of Green School in ‘Aisyiyah schools is expected to be able to encourage an increase in the quality and competitiveness of ‘Aisyiyah schools. This was conveyed by Amalia Nur Milla, the Coordinator of the Book Writing Team from the ‘Aisyiyah Regional Board (PWA) of West Java when presenting the content of the book. However, according to Amalia, there needs to be a commitment between various elements that are related to schools, be it in the school itself, the school with the organization, with the government, and the business sector. “We hope that the Islamic Green School manual book will not end here, but we hope to hold Technical Guidance or ‘Bimtek’, a collaboration between LLHPB and the PAUD Dasmen Assembly, which will not only be held in West Java, but can be implemented anywhere,” she continued.
This meeting was received directly by the Chairwomen of LLHPB of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Rahmawati Husein and the Chairwomen of the Majelis PAUD Dasmen of the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah Fitniwilis. The two ‘Aisyiyah Leaders expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the Islamic Green School book writing team who have worked hard to realize this book, as well as providing input and direction related to the book’s dissemination strategy. “I hope that this book can be easily implemented later, so it needs to be packaged so that the language is easy to understand for ‘Aisyiyah school teachers,” said Rahmawati. Fitniwilis expressed the same thing, “I think this book can be used in Indonesia, but considering that ‘Aisyiyah has more kindergartens, it would be better to add an appendix about examples of implementable Green Schools, for example how to carry out tree planting and maintenance activities, or waste management in kindergartens,” she added.
Description: Photo group all participant attended on the meeting, August 30, 2024. (Doc. @ecobhinneka)
Regarding the follow-up to this activity, the Director of the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah Program, Hening Parlan, hopes that the input and direction that has been given by those ‘Aisyiyah Leaders can be completed immediately by the book writing team. “After the editing process is complete, InsyaAllah, we can continue by launching it through a webinar inviting all ‘Aisyiyah kindergarten teachers throughout Indonesia, and we also want to invite the Ministry of Environment and Forestry,” she said.
The series of activities for compiling the Islamic Green School Book is a collaboration between Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah and the the Regional Board of ‘Aisyiyah West Java to realize environmentally friendly Islamic Boarding Schools and the ‘Aisyiyah Schools, as well as a form of peaceful Islam and rahmatallil ‘alamiin.
(Dzikrina Farah Adiba)