Description: 14 women religious leaders from Aceh visited to study Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah, on Monday (27/05/2024) at the Muhammadiyah Da’wah Center Building, Central Jakarta. (Photo by: Fahmi Saiyfuddin)
Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah received a visit from Aceh Women Religious Leaders (Ulama) on Monday (27/05/2024) at the Muhammadiyah Da’wah Center Building, Central Jakarta. Their visit was aimed at learning about the application of the environmental curriculum in Islamic boarding schools which could later be implemented in Aceh. These 14 participants came from various provinces in Aceh, including Banda Aceh, West Aceh, South Aceh, Central Aceh, East Aceh and Subulussalam. Women religious leaders from Islamic boarding schools assisted by the HAKA Foundation, as well as environmental NGOs based in Aceh.
“I recommend meeting the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah program team for friendship and sharing experiences related to women & the environmental movement, with the hope that in the future we can build a joint movement,” said Fahmi Saiyfuddin, Deputy Head of the Misykat Al-Anwar Ecological Islamic Boarding School, Bogor, as the organizer for this visit.
Director of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah, Hening Parlan, warmly welcomed this visit. “Aceh is extraordinary, a city that must be visited and visited, its contribution to this country is extraordinary,” said Hening, opening the event.
Regarding Eco Bhinneka, Hening explained that the environment and women are very closely connected to the earth. “Earth has the name Mother Earth, so we love the earth and glorify the earth. “In the environment, mothers are an integral part of everyday life, as well as friends who work together,” said Hening, who is currently also active as Deputy Chair of the Institute for Environment and Disaster Management, in the Central Board of ‘Aisyiyah.

Description: Eco Bhinneka prepared the book “Maintaining Harmony, Nurturing the Nature” as a souvenir for the women religious leaders from Aceh (Photo by: Fahmi Saiyfuddin)
The event closed with the exchange of souvenirs. Eco Bhinneka gave souvenirs in the form of the book ‘Sustaining Harmony, Nurturing the Nature’ (Merawat Kerukunan, Melestarikan Lingkungan). This book, which will be released in 2023, is a collaboration between the Eco Bhinneka program and the Environmental Council of the Central Board of Muhammadiyah. This book further emphasizes that religious values encourage every believer to preserve the earth, where all humans live.