Description: Interfaith youth in West Kalimantan plant and care for trees supported by Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah and Department of Environment and Forestry, in Pontianak, July 14, 2024 (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
The scorching heat of Pontianak on Sunday morning did not dampen the enthusiasm of the young SEKA (Sahabat Eco Bhinneka) and PKK (Empowerment of Family Welfare) women from Sungai Beliung Village, West Pontianak District to gather in the courtyard of the Nurbaitillah Mosque on Jalan Padat Karya, Sungai Beliung Village, West Pontianak District. 50 seeds of various fruit plants given by the Department of the Environment and Forestry of West Kalimantan Province were already in front of them, ready to be planted.
This activity carried out by the Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan program is part of a series of activities “JEUMPA BINAKU”, an abbreviation for Monitor Plant Seeds and Foster Trees. A collaborative action between places of worship in promoting freedom of religion and belief through environmental conservation actions.
In the second edition of JEUMPA which was held on Sunday 14 July 2024, activities were carried out in the Religious Moderation Village and the Sadar Harmony Village, to be precise in two adjoining places of worship, the Nurbaitillah Mosque and the HKBP Jeruju Church.
The event began with a few short words from Ibrahim, as Head of West Pontianak District, who welcomed this collaborative work. “We are grateful for the greening initiative carried out by Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah. Hopefully events like this can continue,” he said.
Next, Bastiaruddin, as the Head of Sungai Beliung Village, commanded and supervised the tree planters around the mosque and church locations. The Nurbaitillah Mosque administrator and RW chairman immediately came down with a hoe and planted trees together with residents and other participants. Not long after the morning mass for the children was over, a number of women from the congregation together with the Pastor of the HKBP Jeruju Church joined in and took part in planting for a better shared environment.
Even though they came from different groups and backgrounds, that morning there were 25 participants consisting of subdistrict heads, village heads, interfaith youth who were members of the Sahabat Eco Bhinneka (SEKA) community, residents, PKK, RW and the mosque administrators and church administrators, armed with hoes and planting equipment, have the same mission planting trees and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for a more beautiful environment.

Description: The event is a form of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah’s consistency in maintaining harmony and encouraging the participation of houses of worship in caring for the environment. (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
As stated by Edi Susilo, a Babinsa, or military officer assigned to villages, from Koramil 1207-03/West Pontianak who was also present. “The trees we planted are for our children and grandchildren,” he said while rubbing the seeds he planted in the yard of the HKBP Jeruju Church, right next to the Nurbaitillah Mosque.
Bastiaruddin, as Head of Sungai Beliung Village, appreciated the organization of this activity. “Hopefully in the future there will be more activities like this and they can be added to other locations,” he hoped.
Furthermore, the Regional Manager of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, Octavia Shinta Aryani, expressed her hopes and objectives for implementing this activity. “We hope that today’s event is a form of Eco Bhinneka Muhammadiyah’s consistency in maintaining harmony and encouraging the participation of houses of worship in caring for the environment,” she said to all participants. “Our goal is to create a harmonious and sustainable environment where everyone, regardless of religion or other differences, can thrive,” said Shinta.
Initiatives like today’s are proof of the power of collaboration in our communities. By working together, putting aside differences in religious backgrounds and beliefs, we can not only improve relationships in social life, but can also improve our environment while setting an example for the next generation. Even in small steps, this is the richness of our cultural heritage.
Our religions teach us to protect the earth. Planting trees is just one way to give back what we – humans – have taken from the environment and ensure that our common home called the earth can always be healthy for future generations. Far from just adding greenery, these newly planted trees in mosques and churches will grow into symbols and images of hope and the power of collaborative action that can be achieved if we continue to unite for a common goal.
By bridging the differences that exist as national wealth, it is hoped that today’s activities will be able to provide additional motivation for harmony and harmony in people’s lives. As these trees grow, hopefully unity and cooperation between people in harmony will always grow and be shady.

Description: 50 seeds of various fruit plants given by the Department of the Environment and Forestry of West Kalimantan Province. (Doc. @ecobhinneka.kalbar)
Author: Titah Saputri
Editor: Dzikrina Farah Adiba